Zumi Tye, the Other Love of My Life

Zumi Tye Walking Towards Its Food. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt

I cannot quite put into words just how much I love my tortoise. ZuZu does not require much. It eats, sleeps, hides in its hidey-hole, and tolerates my daily antics. Jernee gives it a bit of attention occasionally, but overall, she could not be bothered with it. It is amazing watching it grow and enjoy the simple life it has. I am in awe of its presence and am glad to be its mom.

Below is a short video of my second love as it was walking to its feeding post . . .

Zumi Tye, my Red-Footed Tortoise Walking Over to Its Feeding Post.

As I stated above, it doesn’t take much to satisfy ZuZu. It is happy as long as it has enough leafy greens, fresh fruits (in moderation), cucumbers, freeze-dried shrimp, and fresh water. I cannot wait until it gets big and old enough! I will take Zumi back to the Reptile Zoo to have it sexed. I am eager to find out if Zumi Tye is a boy or a girl.

I believe I will be able to do this in the next few months; probably before the year is out. I will be happy either way, but in my heart of hearts, I’d love for it to be a girl. I have a feeling it is not, though. LOL! And that’ll be just my luck. I always hoped this home would be all women/female, but I will allow one male (if it occurs this way).

I am also certain Zumi will require a bigger hidey-hole by the end of this year. Not too much bigger, but just a hair. It spends so much of its time in that thing that I’d like for it to have more than enough room for comfort. I will keep you all updated.

I hope you enjoyed the video! Happy Sunday!

Sha’Carri To Paris: Richardson SCORCHES 100m Trials Final

This is what was trending in my “For You To View” videos this morning.

As a former track competitor, I cry every single time I watch Sha’Carri compete. I cannot adequately put into words what her race to the Olympics means to me.

I am overjoyed and ecstatic that she gets to experience Paris, France in this way; especially alongside her teammates, too.

And the embrace she received from her grandmother and love pouring out from her family toward the end really did me end, too! I felt every moment of that embrace deep in my bones.

I didn’t expect to cry happy tears this morning, but here we are.

Happy Sunday, beautiful people!

Peace and blessings.

Sha’Carri Richardson Seals the Olympic Deal

The Love of My Life Part IV

Christmas Past

Christmas, five years ago.

Jernee: a few years back (five, to be exact) as we celebrated her being introduced to some new toys.

She was a bit more mobile back then and got much more excited, too. Now, she just looks about sort of with it and not with it, too.

But … she’s still bringing me so much joy. I hope this video does exactly that for you, also.

Peace and blessings.