NaPoWriMo #25

oh, technology! (a lune)

advancements at work
engulfs every soul

NaPoWriMo #10

Damage Control

He wasn’t built to
love her with his
whole heart–he’d been
damaged, and she was
saving herself for a man
who knew how to break the
walls of her hardened heart

He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

She saw through his
cloudy existence, and fed
off his syrupy words, so
sticky and sweet, but
she wouldn’t reject his

She played nice with this
man who clicked his tongue
and snapped his mind
back into the now–willing
it from actions of the past.
He swallowed every image
of her and filled his
belly with lies.

For decades, he spent hours
dissecting his former self
from his present self, and
now that it’s time to love
again, the control he never
had sneaks up on him.

Forever changed. Forever damaged.

Happy 16th Birthday, Jernee Timid!

Zumi Tye meeting Jernee Timid for the first time on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Today is my favorite Chorkie’s birthday. Jernee Timid Loadholt has been a part of my life since she was one day shy of 7 weeks old. To see that she has made it to age 16 is a MILESTONE. All the dogs I have known and loved, in my life, did not make it to this age.

It’s a beautiful thing to witness my own dog reach such a long and winding path of life. She’s not feeling well today, but maybe that’ll change. Whatever she wants to do, she can.

You’re only 16 once. ❤️💜💙



Pictured Poetry created by Tremaine L. Loadholt

I’m dealing with my therapist’s retirement announcement in my own way. I’m happy. I’m sad. I’m so hopeful for her future. I wish her well, too.

But I am not looking forward to the search that is before me for a new one.

And so, I’m writing poetry about it. Of course, I am. Of course, I am.

Originally shared via Instagram.