NaPoWriMo #22

instantly blocked

creepy spam accounts
flooding my notifications
twenty likes in
twenty seconds

I guess reading really
isn’t fundamental for
those in a hurry to gain
traction and gather a field
of folks to usher into
their digital space

my reaction is always
an instant click
of the block button
a l w a y s

NaPoWriMo #9

breaths of fresh air

Spring kicked down
my door and sat its
funky self down in
my living room–pollen
dangling from its feet

funny, I don’t remember
inviting such a threat to
my well-being over for
afternoon tea, but here we are

Benadryl has been getting
cozy with me during
the owl hours of night
and Claritin-D wakes up
with me to usher in
a new day

with Spring planning to
stick around for a few
more months, we’ve had to
adjust our schedules

it’ll be a long time
until we can breathe
healing breaths of fresh
air again unless we opt
to forcefully remove this
torturous season from
our home

and I don’t think any
of us are strong enough for
a plan as thick-headed
as that one

so, we’ll suffer in