A Tuesday Snapshot #19

Just Me, ©2024 Tremaine L. Loadholt

Every Tuesday, I will share a favorite photo I’ve taken within the week with all of you. This week, it is . . . Just Me.

Stay tuned for next Tuesday’s snapshot.

Peace and blessings

NaPoWriMo #10

Damage Control

He wasn’t built to
love her with his
whole heart–he’d been
damaged, and she was
saving herself for a man
who knew how to break the
walls of her hardened heart

He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

She saw through his
cloudy existence, and fed
off his syrupy words, so
sticky and sweet, but
she wouldn’t reject his

She played nice with this
man who clicked his tongue
and snapped his mind
back into the now–willing
it from actions of the past.
He swallowed every image
of her and filled his
belly with lies.

For decades, he spent hours
dissecting his former self
from his present self, and
now that it’s time to love
again, the control he never
had sneaks up on him.

Forever changed. Forever damaged.

NaPoWriMo #7

morning memories

you used to know
exactly what to say
to get me to fall
heart over head for you.

I don’t think I’ve been
as stupid since we
met. two college-aged
women floating through
the hell of living, just trying
to breathe.

I should have known you’d
grind me up into pieces
and leave me hopeless.
“but this is love,” I thought
“this is normal”– to have
my feelings go unacknowledged.

I didn’t know better.
but when I found better,
I did better.

it’s still during the morning
hours when I remember you.
your smile. your voice.
your poetic brilliance.

and now I don’t know
if it was your heart, mind,
or soul I was most attracted
to. I can’t remember.

is that normal?
do you know?
have you ever known?

Two Things Thursday #9

1. Bella-Rue & Stacey-Lou with a pair of my glasses. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt
2. A Shirley Chisholm quote. Courtesy of Paper Whale.

1. My best friend’s dogs; Bella-Rue (Baby B, on the left) and Stacey-Lou (Lil Miss Busy Body, on the right), and a pair of my glasses. Why did I choose this photo? On Tuesday, March 05, 2024, I had yet another follow-up on my eyes with my ophthalmologist to determine where we stand with keratoconus (a “rare” eye disease that currently affects about 200,000 people each year) and its progression in both eyes.

My right eye is still getting worse and now my left eye has decided to join the party and cave in as well. I have written at length and ad nauseam about my eye disease, and I am sincerely over it at this point.

As I type this, I am still hopeful and prayerful about a positive outcome, but it will not occur without moving forward with Collagen Cross-linking. We decided we would focus on the right eye first and when it has healed, a recheck on the left eye will occur, and if necessary, we will move forward with the procedure for it as well.

I am now in the waiting stages for my ophthalmologist’s office’s surgery scheduler to contact me so we can select a date for the procedure. Once the date is set, I can further assess the logistics of it all: who will take me, who will stay with me for about two days, and how much time I’ll need to take away from work.

It’s a risky business dealing with one’s eyes and invasive and/or surgical procedures, but it is what it will be, and I cannot do much about that now.

2. A Shirley Chisholm Quote. “Shirley Anita Chisholm was an American politician who, in 1968, became the first black woman to be elected to the United States Congress.” –Wikipedia

Not only was she a force to be reckoned with politically, but she fought fiercely for her rights and the rights of others in the United States.

From what I have learned about her, she never bit her tongue. She was forthcoming about any of her political plans and decisive about the goals she implemented for herself. She also ventured down the road of Presidency and became the first Black candidate to be nominated by a major party.

There is a biopic about her and it will release soon. The incredibly talented and gifted Regina King will be in character as Shirley Chisholm, and the movie is set to drop on March 15, 2024, and trust and believe, I will definitely be lending my coins to this fantastic production! The trailer for the SHIRLEY is below:

“Shirley:” Release date, March 15, 2024