Rest. Refuel. Rejuvenate!

YouVersion Bible App

For those of you who celebrate, will celebrate, and are happy about celebrating the holiday, Happy Easter!

May it be a day of fulfilled blessings, congregating with family & friends, and settling into the day as it is introduced to you.

Peace and blessings, beautiful people.

NaPoWriMo #9


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a warped mind only
knows crazed paths with
jagged edges and broken

a lonely person can terrorize
millions without many
resources and no one
would suspect a thing.

a small child,
unnoticed–uncared for,
left for dead–forgotten in
an instant.

she finds a community
linked to celebrity reign,
loses herself further
down a rabbit hole
of regret.

one wrong word, one
misplaced hand, one
out-of-order confession
and confusion overstays
its welcome.

in the end, no one reaches
her the way they need
to–she falls and falls and
falls and never gets
back up.