7 Words: How?

My baby cousin, Caison. He’s much like a best friend of mine. For his arrival, his existence, I am so grateful.

How did God
I needed you?

Author’s Note: I found myself in and out of bouts of sadness, wondering when I was going to be happy again, wondering why I was so sad. My cousin gave birth to this incredibly handsome little one this past October and since his arrival, my heart has grown five sizes bigger. I am happier. I feel a sense of deeper connectivity to the Earth, to my loved ones, to God. Just when we think to give up on ourselves, on who we have become, reminders appear. We are only human. We fall, but we aren’t meant to stay down.

Visual Verse: February Prompt

This past month, Visual Verse was overrun with entries for the prompt. The artwork is a great selection and I loved writing something for it. I chose Haiku as the form and went with 4 parts for my entry which was recently published on Wednesday, February 28, 2018. I will share two parts here with you and then direct you to the poem in its entirety via the anthology’s website. I am going to get a bit of a headstart on March’s prompt if I can. The image used looks as if it’ll be interesting in which to draw inspiration. For now, here’s February’s submission.

Scent of Purple: Haiku, 4 Parts

Wintry mix of life
In purple hue, treading ground
Last minute errands.

In the dead of night,
She fumbles through the thick snow
Her hat, a safe space.

As always, thank you so much for reading. You can find the rest of the poem via Visual Verse’s website, here. Peace and blessings.