NaPoWriMo #6

blood and sky

blood and sky. Pictured Poetry created by Tremaine L. Loadholt

A Tuesday Snapshot #15

The Seven Sisters Mountain at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain, NC. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt

Every Tuesday, I will share a favorite photo I’ve taken within the week with all of you. This week, it is . . . Seven Sisters.

Stay tuned for next Tuesday’s snapshot.

Peace and blessings.

Lily and the Valley

Flash Fiction

Photo by Alex Kinkate on

Lily spent fifty years scaling a mountain that held no form of life on it. Her quest, given at the time of her birth, was to find Valley and make a home there.

But how would she do this if the mountain that held no form of life on it spun continuously in the opposite direction of where she needed to be?

A revolving door? A nightmare? A terror? A thing no one wants around?

She needed to rid herself of this mountain and soon.

Tree and Sun tiptoed into her line of sight. Moon and Air brought their heaviest armor. Stars and Ocean swirled into the Air and channeled Tsunami. Monsoon held Highway’s hand.

A reunion took place no one envisioned.

Everyone gathered at the bottom of the mountain and raced to the top of it for Lily. They brought life to a place that had never seen life before. And soon, Mountain opened its eyes, breathed in the things circling around it, and panted ceaselessly.

It was alive!

And knowing this, Mountain cracked its body, shifted twists and turns, and knocked edges of rock off its back, creating a path for Lily. Swerving at the speed of sound, Lily found her way to Valley and settled into its embrace. She looked toward Mountain’s direction and noticed every form of life exited to their own assignments; leaving Mountain alone again.

“Valley, all it needed was life.”

“So life, it will have.”

Valley stomped her feet and whispered to everyone simultaneously, “Send tiny pieces of you to Mountain. Give it some of your life.”

And as each form of life did as they had been ordered, Valley and Lily offered up tiny pieces of themselves, too.

Mountain seized from the outpouring of love and cried tears of joy. Moments later; grass grew, lilies sprang up at every turn, rain poured in patchy spots, trees shot up from the ground, and life began living in a place that needed it most.

Lily and Valley stood in awe of their magic and inhaled the goodness around them.

Their mission had been accomplished.