Thursday Night Dinner

Thursday Night Dinner, ©2024  Tremaine L. Loadholt

For dinner, I made fried colossal shrimp and a side salad on Thursday night. For the shrimp, I used the same wet batter as I did for my fried chicken: dairy-free milk, one egg, and various seasonings. Cornmeal (yellow) is what I used to coat/dredge them in instead of flour.

The salad is spinach, cucumbers, strawberries, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, onions, and Feta cheese. The dressing, applied later, was Ranch.

I had an extra tartar sauce from my seafood dinner from last weekend and I most certainly used it, along with some ketchup as dipping sauces for the shrimp.

It was truly a tasty delight!

For Friday night, I had the remaining shrimp, roasted red potatoes, and cucumbers with onions, strawberries, Feta cheese, and Ranch dressing.

Here’s hoping all of you will have an incredible weekend. Happy Saturday!

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