Two Things Thursday #20

1. Three Sisters. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt
2. Jernee Timid, the Princess. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt

1. Three Sisters is a photo of my laptop wallpaper featuring my best friend’s three dogs. The puppy, Riley-Blu (she decided to go with “Riley” instead of “Misty”) is the newest addition. I love this photo of all three of them watching the Amazon delivery person drop off their mommy’s package.

Because there are now three of them, I had to change my laptop wallpaper to feature them. When I launch my laptop and enter my password to get to my main screen and their little bodies are sitting/standing before me, I cannot do anything but smile. You are looking at (in this order) Riley-Blu, Bella-Rue, and Stacey-Lou.

Baby girl is already feisty. My best friend sent me a video of her playing with her oldest sister, Stacey-Lou, and she was holding her own. LOL! Stace was trying to pin her down at one point, and I heard my best friend’s voice sternly say, “Stacey, don’t do that. Get off her.”

And Stace hopped up and backed away quickly. That little one, though?! She lunged toward Stacey like, “Um, don’t back away now!” LOL! I cannot wait to see her and shower her with treats and gifts!

I’ll probably take a day trip to see them in the next two to three weeks. And of course, I’ll share a few photos and maybe a video, too.

2. Jernee Timid, the Princess is a photo I snapped of Jernee while she relaxed in my new chair! Now, for those of you unaware, I purchased this chair for me because Jernee insists on commandeering my other chair and sitting in it. This DIVA likes this chair, too. She has a whole couch and my other chair in which to sit, yet she wants this one as well.

I cannot win for losing with this Little Monster! I told one of my friends about it and showed her the picture and she calmly said, “Well, what’s yours is hers anyway, so what’s the problem?” LOL! I guess she has a point!

I just go on over to the other chair (my first favorite chair), sit in it, and keep it moving. Happy Jernee Timid, happy life. LOL!

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