Scavengers Reign: An Animated Series/Dead At 45

Scavengers Reign

Season 1 of this MAX animated series is also on Netflix. I am hooked! There are 12 episodes and I watched 9 of them on Sunday. I watched the remaining 3 episodes Monday evening after work.

They’re bite-sized. Each of them is no more than 23-28 minutes. The story’ll pull you in with emotionally charged occurrences and devastating results in the last 4 episodes.

I was cursing at the screen and telling “Kris” off as if she could hear me. I was Team Azi and Demeter 227 all the way! It’s a heartbreaking and invigorating tale, and I could not look away!

And . . . it has a happy ending. I was pleased to see everything work out for the “good characters.” I was also pleased to see the main evil creature get its comeuppance.

If you’re into animated science fiction/fantasy/alien life forms, etc., then this series is one you should queue up and enjoy! I’m secretly praying there will be a Season 2!

As I was writing this post, one of my closest friends called to let me know a fellow classmate of ours died over the weekend. Currently, the cause is unknown, and there are no further details, no funeral or viewing arrangements, etc.

We have lost many classmates over the years; the first for me happened when I was only fourteen years old. I do not want to say I’m numb to this, for I am not. I just . . . it’s becoming much too frequent to ignore how dead it makes me feel inside.

He was forty-five years old and surviving him are his two children. Both in high school; a son and a daughter. Death is a seeker. It has an agenda and when it is on a mission, that mission will always get accomplished. Whatever need the Lord has for this soul is God’s alone.

*Sighs* I just really wish this wasn’t the news she had to share. But, here we are. And there’s nothing any of us can do about it. It’s life doing what life does and we must go on.

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