The Simple Things #12

For the past eleven Saturdays, I have shared three things that I believe to be the simple things in life, yet things that make me extremely happy. I invited you to do the same. This is the last The Simple Things post. 

Eliot Peper via Unsplash

1. free books
2. cocoa butter lotion
3. peppermint soap

Now, it’s your turn! Share with me (in the comments), three simple things in life that make you happy. Please reblog, share this post, and give others a smile and a little bit of love. If you reblog the post, please ping or tag my blog and use the words Simple Things” and “Happy” as your blog entry tags.

Are you ready, folks? Can we keep the love flowing by sharing the simple things that make us happy? This is our The Simple Things Share Post #12 and also the FINAL one. Have fun and let the happiness begin!

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