were we the way we were?

musical selection: barbara streisand|the way we were

an experiment

Barbara S. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt

i am connected to you
i know you are
connected to me too.

but, has this always been?
will it always be?
or have we walked into
a territory not suitable
for broken hearts
and broken minds?

i wish i could do the math,
make my head learn
to love the numbers
of us as it does the
psychological aspects.

but i am a seeker of words
relational to the heart
not equations found
inside my head.
i have made no promises
but my word was given —

you would know love
until i could no longer
show you, tell you.
and you did.

you always will.

drifters carry little baggage
and we have far too much
of it weakening our backs.

neither of us
willing to strip away
the parts that helped
to make us whole.

i say, in the secret spaces,
“were we always the way we were
or were we who we are now — unable
to see it all before?”

i haven’t found the answer.

i hope i never will.

Originally published in The Junction via Medium.

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