For I Am Flawed

I dreamt… She came from the sea,
Shored at noon, gifting her light
To my dark heart.
She’d pierced it once before.
“I am ready if you are.”
To study us would be a headache
Begging for an escape–
Temples throbbing deep into the night,
The course it would take would
Be a lifetime plus ten more.

“You do not want me now
For I am flawed beyond repair
Damaged and ill in my age.”
It seemed like the perfect response
To an older version of me,
A sound excuse that did not need repeating.
She ignored my rebuttal and
Continued her approach.

“I have had time. I was blind
Before, pain stunted my growth.
I am ready now if you are.”
I watched her wrinkled brows,
Focused on her uneven lips,
And smiled at the only dimple
Fighting for attention.

“If you would have asked me
Three weeks ago, I would have
Said yes, but I am flawed beyond repair,
I do not know how to heal
Your old wound.”
I knew she would ache in a way
That would satisfy my
Vengeful heart and it excited me
To see her squirm.

I am pieces of a thing
That missed out on other things
And most things that come to
Piece me back together again
End up broken things…

I never wanted it to be her.
But, I am flawed now
And in need of repair.

Author’s Note: I recently finished “Circe” by Madeline Miller. I loved it. Even if you aren’t a big fan of Greek Mythology, I assure you, you will appreciate her efforts in this retelling of the great “Witch Goddess.”

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